G1 Gas (1986) Yamaha Ignition Switch Upgrade to Toggle for FWD & REV

86 G1

New Member
Has anyone been able to pull this off??? I have tried all kinds of combinations to use a three pole toggle switch to interrupt the circuit so I can just select FWD or REV on the toggle and go.
I think I would have to add several more relays but that seems like too much work.


Cartaholic - V.I.P. Sponsor
So you're trying to convert a series forward reverse switch to a toggle just look for a reversing contactor and use a toggle switch to control that

86 G1

New Member
I am doing a total restore on this ride.
The G1 gas uses ignition switch to select FWD & REV. it does not have a gear box but starts the engine in reverse. The ignition switch has ten different poles L (blue) for reverse and Y (yellow) for FWD. Before I found the wiring diagram I mapped out the different sections.
I have tried many, many different combinations and with a three pole toggle switch I am now thinking it can't be done because of the different connections the ignition switch makes. I bought a new control panel for it and it has the toggle for FWD and reverse and I would like to use it other then decoration.
I am about to give up on it, but figured someone maybe found how to do it??? Sometimes I look too deep and miss the EZ but I think I have tried most combinations at least once now.
I have tried all my jumpers from the ignition switch. But the next stop is the relay, thinking not any difference.